Geoff Ruddock

Waterfall charts

Create a waterfall chart. Loosely based on horizontal bar chart, but modified to accentuate the sequential effect of different “stages” on an accumulated quantity.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Package     Version
----------  ---------
python      3.8.8
matplotlib  3.3.4

Generate fake data

data = pd.Series({
    'Clicked link': 1,
    'Page loaded': 0.8,
    'Clicked button': 0.4,
    'Clicked *at least one* button': 0.5,
    'Signed up': 0.2

Clicked link                     200
Page loaded                      160
Clicked button                    80
Clicked *at least one* button    100
Signed up                         40
dtype: int64

Prep for visualization

def prep_data_for_waterfall_chart(srs: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Based a series input, calculate parameters necessary for waterfall chart. """
    # initial value
    output = [{
        'label': srs.index[0],
        'start': 0, 
        'end': srs[0],
        'color': 'tab:blue',
        'val': srs[0]
    # deltas
    for i, (prev, curr) in enumerate(zip(srs[:-1], srs[1:])):
        delta = curr - prev
            'label': srs.index[i+1],
            'start': prev if delta > 0 else curr,
            'end': curr if delta > 0 else prev,
            'color': 'tab:green' if delta > 0 else 'tab:red',
            'val': curr,
            'delta': delta / prev
    # final value
        'label': '(final value)',
        'start': 0,
        'end': srs[-1],
        'color': 'tab:blue',
        'val': srs[-1]
    return pd.DataFrame(output)

to_viz = prep_data_for_waterfall_chart(data)

label start end color val delta
0 Clicked link 0 200 tab:blue 200 NaN
1 Page loaded 160 200 tab:red 160 -0.20
2 Clicked button 80 160 tab:red 80 -0.50
3 Clicked *at least one* button 80 100 tab:green 100 0.25
4 Signed up 40 100 tab:red 40 -0.60
5 (final value) 0 40 tab:blue 40 NaN


import matplotlib.ticker as mtick

def horizontal_waterfall_chart(to_viz: pd.DataFrame) -> None:'classic')'default')
        # general
        'figure.facecolor': 'w',
        # font sizes
        'font.size': 12,
        'axes.titlesize': 16,
        'xtick.labelsize': 10,
        # force black border
        'patch.force_edgecolor': True,
        'patch.facecolor': 'black',
        # remove spines
        'axes.spines.bottom': False,
        'axes.spines.left': False,
        'axes.spines.right': False,
        '': False,
        'xtick.bottom': False,
        '': False,
        'axes.titlepad': 10,
        # grid
        'grid.color': 'k',
        'grid.linestyle': ':',
        'grid.linewidth': 0.5,
        'lines.dotted_pattern': [1, 3],
        'lines.scale_dashes': False
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4), dpi=100)
    n = to_viz.shape[0]
    # unpack dataframe into variables, for interpretability
    assert to_viz.columns.tolist() == ['label', 'start', 'end', 'color', 'val', 'delta'], 'Unexpected schema of dataframe input'
    labels, starts, ends, colors, vals, deltas = to_viz[::-1].T.values
    # plot bars from zero up to "end" values
    bars = ax.barh(y=labels, width=ends, linewidth=0)

    # overlap with white bars to hide part below "start" values
    ax.barh(y=labels, width=starts, color='white', edgecolor='white', linewidth=1)

    for i, c in enumerate(colors):
    # annotate text
    for i, (val, delta, end) in enumerate(zip(vals, deltas, ends)):
        if np.isnan(delta):
            txt = f'{val}'
            txt = f'{val} ({delta:+.0%})'
        _ = plt.annotate(txt, (end+1, i), va='center')
    # distinct edge
    for val, bar in zip(vals, bars):
        x, y = bar.get_xy()
        w, h = bar.get_width(), bar.get_height()
        ax.plot([val, val], [y, y + h], color='black', lw=2)

    # ===== PLOT FORMATTING =====
    # remove ticks on y-axis
    # remove borders
    # Format x-axis
    percent_markers = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]
    ax.set_xticks([max(ends)*pct for pct in percent_markers])
    ax.set_xticklabels([f'{x:.0%}' for x in percent_markers])


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