Data visualization Binomial proportions 2022-09-08 Heatmaps 2022-06-30 Interactive sankey diagrams (with Plotly) 2022-06-04 Waterfall charts 2022-05-29 Stacked area chart 2022-03-01 Butterfly charts 2022-02-09 Bar charts 2022-01-31 Histograms 2022-01-01 matplotlib 2021-10-12 Interactive time series charts (with Bokeh) 2021-04-18 pandas Moving seamlessly between pandas and SQL 2022-06-01 Visual styling a pandas DataFrame 2021-02-07 Indexing (and MultiIndex) 2020-01-07 I/O with pandas 2019-07-13 Data wrangling 2019-05-07 Exploratory data analysis (EDA) 2019-05-07 Data analysis Jupyter notebooks 2022-01-01 Machine learning Identify root cause of NULLs using DecisionTreeClassifier 2021-11-16 Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) 2021-07-07 k-means clustering 2021-07-05 scikit-learn 2020-08-01