Geoff Ruddock

Moving seamlessly between pandas and SQL

Over the life of any given data analysis project, I typically use a mix of both SQL and pandas code at various points. This notebook contains some reference material and gotchas for fluently translating between the two.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
Package    Version
---------  ---------
python     3.8.8
numpy      1.21.5
pandas     1.4.2

Boolean logic

SQL truth table

Boolean comparisons in SQL typically follow three-valued logic.

query = """
WITH t(A, B) AS (
        (True, True),
        (True, False),
        (True, NULL),
        (False, True),
        (False, False),
        (False, NULL),
        (NULL, True),
        (NULL, False),
        (NULL, NULL)
    A AND B AS "A and B",
    A OR B as "A or B",
    A = B AS "A = B",
    A IS B AS "A is B"

db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')

sql_truth_table = (
    .read_sql_query(query, db, coerce_float=False)
/var/folders/4f/ts0zsdvj3kv4c2vgs4c0_5sr0000gn/T/ipykernel_57319/ FutureWarning: this method is deprecated in favour of `Styler.hide(axis='index')`
A B A and B A or B A = B A is B
True True True True True True
True False False True False False
True True False
False True False True False False
False False False False True True
False False False
True True False
False False False

Pandas truth table (object)

The default logic for comparison in pandas—when dtype is object—behaves somewhat differently.

Generally/roughly, nulls are treated as falsy.

pd_bool_pairs = pd.DataFrame({
    'A': [True, True, True, False, False, False, None, None, None],
    'B': [True, False, None, True, False, None, True, False, None]

def calc_comparisons(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = df.copy()
    df['A and B'] = df.A & df.B
    df['A or B'] = df.A | df.B
    df['A = B'] = df.A == df.B
    df['A is B'] = df.A is df.B
    return df

/var/folders/4f/ts0zsdvj3kv4c2vgs4c0_5sr0000gn/T/ipykernel_57319/ FutureWarning: this method is deprecated in favour of `Styler.hide(axis='index')`
A B A and B A or B A = B A is B
True True True True True False
True False False True False False
True None False True False False
False True False True False False
False False False False True False
False None False False False False
None True False False False False
None False False False False False
None None False False False False

When nulls are involved, OR / | is not transitive. The order of A and B matter.

/var/folders/4f/ts0zsdvj3kv4c2vgs4c0_5sr0000gn/T/ipykernel_57319/ FutureWarning: this method is deprecated in favour of `Styler.hide(axis='index')`
A B A and B A or B A = B A is B
True None False True False False
None True False False False False

Pandas truth table (boolean)

Casting as a nullable boolean data type before comparisons yields identical results to SQL—for all comparisons except is.

/var/folders/4f/ts0zsdvj3kv4c2vgs4c0_5sr0000gn/T/ipykernel_57319/ FutureWarning: this method is deprecated in favour of `Styler.hide(axis='index')`
A B A and B A or B A = B A is B
True True True True True False
True False False True False False
True True False
False True False True False False
False False False False True False
False False False
True True False
False False False

Templating SQL queries

Python list to SQL query string

Sometimes you want to write an SQL query which filters on some dynamic results from a pandas DataFrame.

vals = [

vals_sql = ', '.join([f"'{x}'" for x in vals])

sql = f"""
FROM users
WHERE userid IN ({vals_sql})

FROM users
WHERE userid IN ('k24gpp', 'tq5p0b', '03b5t9', 'vpie2y', 'u77lya')

Equivalent functions

Splitting strings

Suppose you have a column food_type which looks something like:

0 vegetable:carrot
1 vegetable:potato
2 dairy:milk

In (most flavours of) SQL you could simply write something like:

    SPLIT(food_type, ':')[0] AS category,
    SPLIT(food_type, ':')[1] AS item
FROM grocery

One approach—which is more interpretable:

df['category'], df['item'] = zip(*df['food_type'].str.split(':').tolist())

food_type category item
0 vegetable:carrot vegetable carrot
1 vegetable:potato vegetable potato
2 dairy:milk dairy milk

Alternatively, here is pipe version that is less readable, but compatible with method chaining.

df.pipe(lambda x: x.join(pd.DataFrame(
    columns=['category', 'item']

food_type category item
0 vegetable:carrot vegetable carrot
1 vegetable:potato vegetable potato
2 dairy:milk dairy milk

Here is a third approach, which is both chain friendly and readable, but requires defining a standalone function.

def split_to_cols(df, input_col, output_A, output_B, delimiter):
    """ Split a specified column by a delimiter, creating two new columns. """
    df = df.copy()
    df[output_A] = df[input_col].apply(lambda x: x.split(delimiter)[0])
    df[output_B] = df[input_col].apply(lambda x: x.split(delimiter)[1])
    return df


food_type category item
0 vegetable:carrot vegetable carrot
1 vegetable:potato vegetable potato
2 dairy:milk dairy milk



df = pd.DataFrame({
    'num': [1, 1, 2, None],
    'letter': ['A', 'B', 'C', None]

num letter
0 1.0 A
1 1.0 B
2 2.0 C
3 NaN None


def case_when(df: pd.Series, lambdas: dict, default = None) -> pd.Series:
    """ Simulates SQL's CASE WHEN syntax for pandas. 
    Based on a dict of conditions, evaluated sequentially using
    executed_lambdas = {k: v(df) for k, v in lambdas.items()}
    labels, conditions = zip(*executed_lambdas.items())
    arr =, labels, default=default)
    return pd.Series(arr)

lambdas = {
    'One': lambda x: x == 1,
    'Two': lambda x: x == 2,
    'Three': lambda x: x == 3

df.assign(output=lambda x: x['num'].pipe(case_when, lambdas))

num letter output
0 1.0 A One
1 1.0 B One
2 2.0 C Two
3 NaN None None



num letter
0 1.0 A
1 1.0 B
2 2.0 C
3 NaN None
def case_when_df(df: pd.DataFrame, lambdas: dict, default='UNEXPECTED', expect_exclusive=True, expect_nulls=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """ Simulates SQL's CASE WHEN syntax for pandas. 
    Based on a dict of conditions, evaluated sequentially using

    assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), 'Expecting DataFrame as input'
    executed_lambdas = {k: v(df) for k, v in lambdas.items()}
    labels, conditions = zip(*executed_lambdas.items())

    if expect_exclusive:
        assert pd.concat(executed_lambdas.values()).max() == 1, 'Expecting cases to be mutually exclusive'

    if not expect_nulls:
        null_counts_for_each_case = {l: c.isnull().sum() for l, c in executed_lambdas.items()}
        assert sum(null_counts_for_each_case.values()) == 0, \
            f'Not expecting nulls, but found in these cases: {[k for k, v in null_counts_for_each_case.items() if v != 0]}'
        conditions = [x.astype(bool) for x in conditions]  # Duct tape fix for TypeError: can only perform ops with numeric values

    arr =, labels, default=default)
    return pd.Series(arr)

lambdas = {
    'A & 1': lambda x: (x['letter'] == 'A') & (x['num'] == 1),
    '1': lambda x: (x['num'] == 1),

df.pipe(case_when_df, lambdas)
0         A & 1
1             1
dtype: object

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